Go Fund Me Account
Today, Wednesday, January 29, 2025, I created a Go Fund Me account to get the financial ball rolling on this project.
For every $10.00 donation, by giving your credit card or debit card receipt number along with mailing address, I will send you a Wild Wonderful Waffle Wagon 10% off Punch Card good for one free meal and 10% off all menu items. (Free Shipping)
For every $18.00 donation, by submitting your credit card or debit card receipt number along with mailing address, I will send you a Wild Wonderful Waffle Wagon 10% off Punch Card good for one free meal and 10% off all menu items and an insulated 20 ounce Hot/Cold beverage Wild Wonderful Waffle Wagon Cup (Free Shipping)
For every $28.00 donation, by submitting your credit card or debit card receipt number along with mailing address, I will send you a Wild Wonderful Waffle Wagon 10% off Puch Card good for one free meal and 10% off all menu items, an insulated 20 ounce Hot/Cold beverage Wild Wonderful Waffle Wagon Cup and a Wild Wonderful Waffle Wagon 4-piece Reusable TO-GO Breakfast kit. (Free Shipping)
Click on the link below if you want to take part.